miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2009



Por Marco Tulio Culebro Bahena,

(periodista-traductor, maestrante en Derechos Humanos UACM)

Hoy junio 12 de 2009 que la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) ha decretado el nivel 6 de alerta sanitaria mundial por la pandemia de influenza A-H1N1 se han revelado algunos misterios que rodearon al inicio del primer brote de la enfermedad en México.


A principios de Marzo en el municipio de Perote, Veracruz, en la comunidad de La Gloria, los servicios de salud dieron la alarma porque la cuarta parte de la población (unas 500 entre 2,000 personas) había caído enferma por pneumonia. De inmediato se sospechó que el brote de influenza, ahora mundialmente conocida como A-H1N1, provenía de la contaminación biológica producida por la industria porcina local que administra la transnacional Carroll Farms (Granjas Carroll) propiedad del grupo financiero-alimentario Smithfield.

Las “fábricas de cerdos” para producir carne por métodos baratos usa toneladas de antibióticos sin restricción alguna y produce cantidades industriales de desechos biológicos que quedan a cielo abierto en “lagunas de oxidación” como las que se encuentran en Quechula y Xaltepec (ya en el estado de Puebla, aledaño al Cofre de Perote) propiedad de la transnacional. Donde la pestilencia, nubes de moscas y cadáveres putrefactos generaron una profunda protesta de la población y para este momento del escándalo, -el inicio de la infección- ya había dos ecologistas encarcelados por el gobierno estatal.

Las primeras brigadas que acudieron a atender este primer brote de la comunidad de la Gloria pensaron que el vector infeccioso radicaría en las moscas. Por esta razón, la influenza adquiere desde un inicio el nombre de porcina.

En vez de avisar de inmediato al INDRE (Instituto Nacional de Detección y Referencia Epidemiológica) y tomar las medidas sanitarias pertinentes, el gobierno estatal y la transnacional deciden traer a un especialista estadounidense, quien ya sabe con qué tratar la enfermedad: el Tamiflu de la empresa Roche y por eso el brote de la Gloria no fue tan fatal.

De aquellos días de marzo se cree que solamente hubo dos muertos. La irresponsabilidad mayor, tanto de la empresa, del gobernador, Fidel Herrera Beltrán, y del gobierno federal es considerar que el virus ha sido controlado por medios privados e informales, con el simple fin de proteger una inversión de capital y donde la salud de la población no importó jamás.

Fidel Herrera lanzará posteriormente la ridícula campaña de prensa del “niño cero” -que recogen TODOS los medios de comunicación mexicanos resaltando al primer sobreviviente del mal, un niño, de manera demagógica y cínica. Mientras por el otro lado, condicionó la liberación de los ecologistas presos de la organización Planeta Azul a que se retracten.


Gracias al servicio de salud canadiense y a que un turista que viajó a México y regresó a su país es detectado con el mal, se ponen en guardia los centros de enfermedades de Canadá y el de Atlanta, Georgia, Estados Unidos: el famoso CDC (gracias a cuyo trabajo se descubrió el SIDA en los ochentas cruzando la información epidemiológica).

Al iniciar abril de 2009, el gobierno mexicano sigue conteniendo la información debido a que no quiere interrumpir la visita del nuevo presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Hussein Obama. Esta se realiza los días 16 y 17 de abril, como un ansiado y esperado beneplácito del mandamás de la potencia hacia el cuestionado gobierno empantanado en una oscura y costosa “guerra” contra el narcotráfico a nivel interno.

Incluso Obama reduce todavía su visita y no se queda a cenar en México como estaba previsto. La irresponsabilidad es muy grande porque muere el director del Museo de Antropología, Felipe Solís, de una neumonía atípica la mañana del 23 de abril. Obama estuvo en contacto con este funcionario mexicano, una de las primeras víctimas fatales.

No es sino hasta la noche del 24 cuando se declara la alerta nacional con casi 45 días de retraso y solamente debido a la enorme presión que ejerce la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). El elevado número de muertes de personas jóvenes por neumonías extrañas que evolucionan fatalmente en razón de horas no podía ocultarse más.

A pesar del primer brote en Veracruz, la principal afectada es la ciudad de México donde cerrarán durante 27 días kafkianos todas las escuelas desde primarias hasta secundarias, bachilleratos y universidades. La emergencia se prolongará hasta el 21 de mayo.


La ignorancia e ineptitud es tal que un gastroenterólogo de pueblo dirige el Ministerio de Salud, Miguel Angel Villalobos Córdova, cuyo único mérito es haber sido el médico del expresidente Vicente Fox, cuando en el país existen virólogos, epidemiólogos y la UNAM que ya cuenta con laboratorios de bioseguridad de nivel 3. No obstante, la reacción del gobierno de Felipe Calderón es primero, de ocultamiento; luego de postración solicita ayuda al extranjero como único recurso que conoce. Los servicios de salud de Canadá y Estados Unidos responden de forma profesional y admirable, mientras se ponen en evidencia la incapacidad y el desmantelamiento del sector salud a nivel nacional.

Baste conocer el perfil de cualquier ex secretario de salud de gobiernos anteriores, incluyendo a Jesús Kumate, el mismo Guillermo Soberón Acevedo o el doctor Julio Frenk Mora, decano de Salud Pública de la escuela de Harvard, quienes llegan “al rescate” de la administración y se reúnen con Calderón Hinojosa el 29 de abril.

El 5 de mayo, el presidente Felipe Calderón se declara “salvador de la humanidad” por las medidas sanitarias adoptadas con retraso, torpeza e irresponsabilidad. Solamente Fidel Castro desde Cuba denunció el pretendido ocultamiento de la epidemia.


La influenza porcina (Swine flu en inglés) cambia su nombre y se convierte en A-H1N1 porque la OMS cede a la presión del todopoderoso lobby mundial de producción de carne. El periódico inglés The Guardian en un artículo de Mike Davis del 27 de abril denuncia este poder de los ganaderos del siglo XXI. Los ingleses saben bien que los problemas de bioseguridad tocan intereses como lo fue la epidemia de las vacas locas debido al prión que produce la Encefalitis Bovina Espongiforme (EBE, o bien BSE: Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) o mal de Kreutzfeld-Jakob. Finalmente la ingesta de “vaca loca” producía encefalitis humana, locura y una penosa muerte. Es decir, el mal de las vacas locas era similar a una vieja enfermedad, el Koru, otra encefalitis producida por CANIBALISMO. Se descubrió que los alimentos “enriquecidos” traían hueso molido del mismo animal… Asimismo, la producción de carne barata sigue y los criadores alimentan becerros con SANGRE en vez de leche. Recomiendo el cortometraje animado THE MEATRIX. El vínculo está en



Ahora la producción barata de cerdos en México protegida de gobernadores y presidentes produjo esta nueva gripe que contiene un gen humano, otro porcino y uno aviar. Esta especial configuración del A-H1N1 llevó a declarar al investigador que inventó el Tamiflu, u Oseltamivir (las únicas medicinas junto con el Relenza –Zanamivir-que sirven para combatir la infección), el australiano Adrian Gibbs a declarar que: “EL A-H1N1 ES EL TIPICO VIRUS QUE CULTIVAMOS EN HUEVOS EN EL LABORATORIO”. “Pudo haber ocurrido un error”, agregó Gibb el 14 de mayo. La otra posibilidad espeluznante es que no sea un error, sea un producto de laboratorio y que tenga un diseño militar. Y peor aún, que el virus que hoy ataca al mundo haya sido dirigido a la población latina y mexicana directamente. Cabe destacar el antimexicanismo que existe en EEUU y que ha derivado en la construcción del muro fronterizo, una extraña característica entre dos países socios, buenos vecinos y hasta “amigos”.

No obstante, la investigación genética sigue su curso y el Instituto Nacional de Medicina Genómica declara ¡¡EL 11 DE MAYO !! que se ha completado el genoma de los mexicanos. Dice la propaganda que servirá para desarrollar nuevas medicinas, pero nunca se les ocurrió que también sirve para desarrollar armas biológicas.

Es decir, el Estado mexicano desmanteló el Centro Nacional de Producción de Vacunas que teníamos en la década de los 70, así como ha restado cobertura de salud a la población para llevarnos a niveles de “bienestar” africanos, –no obstante- publica el mapa del genoma de los mexicanos con información que debería estar protegida por razones básicas de Seguridad Nacional. El calderonismo durante la crisis sanitaria por la influenza “ex porcina” resultó ser parte de la calamidad y más inservible que un cubre-bocas.

En vez de bienestar… ¿Qué tal nos viene hoy la privatización de guarderías infantiles del IMSS con sus 45 niños muertos en Hermosillo, Sonora?

Para concluir este trabajo baste saber que el mayor peligro real es la aparición de cepas de A-H1N1 que sean resistentes al tratamiento de Tamiflu o al Relenza. Esta mutación es muy fácil por las proteínas que cubren al virus, alerta el posdoctorado de la UNAM, el biólogo evolucionista Antonio Lazcano Araujo y el equipo de la Facultad de Ciencias UNAM que estudió el virus recomiendo:


viernes, 12 de junio de 2009


Mexican Virus.- World Health Organization (WHO) states today level 6 in the pandemia global alert with heavy restrictions to international commerce and human movements down the globe. This is a historical maximum level alert based in the great danger humanity is going thru if virus becomes resistant. Africa has added influenza A-H1N1 to its very acute health drama the continent is living every day since colonization left this big territory of empoverish countries in the abandon and misery.

The sixth level alert is because swine flu is a new virus that has already covered all the planet in just three months since its appearance in Mexico.

Dr. Margaret Chan, WHO chief, declares on june 11 night raise alert level from 5 to 6, saying the pandemia is just beginning.

See complete statement:


miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2009



The danger is some new virus mutation A-H1N1 surely will become resistant to Oseltamivir soon, said doctor, Antonio Lazcano Araujo in Mexico City.
The reknown evolution scientist said here on tuesday that is so easy for the virus to get this resistant because its unstable ARN nuclei, that changes Citosine to Uracyl by natural means.
Lazcano Araujo said surveillance most be directed to the first tamiflu resistant strain it will appears. After the influenza alert on april-may, Mexico has reinforced its epidemiological health system and the importance of reporting every new cases. 

viernes, 22 de mayo de 2009


The 27 days of historical pandemia alert it´s over in Mexico

Mexico City.- The 27 days period since 24 april to 21 may 2009 is gonna be strong embedded in Mexicans memory as the worst and histerical time of the first pandemia alert caused by the A-H1N1 influenza virus outbreak of XXI century, first called “swine flu”, that had let behind more than a hundred of sudden deaths here and take world to a never seen before health scenario.

Mexican health authorities has declared the end of the pandemia alert here, so normal activities are going on as there was in 23 april, when nobody knows about the influenza outbreak reported for first time in La Gloria, Veracruz.

When World Health Organization is ending it´s 62nd World Health Assembly, Dr. Chan move to make different evaluation of pandemia than geographical spread. Until yesterday there were 41 nations (Greece was the latest nation infected with 1 case) and maybe WHO´s reports would change it´s format of influenza spread by country and total global cases.

This already finished influenza alert was compared by its similarities with Spanish influenza pandemia in 1918, that kills like 20 million people all around the world, and with the 1957 and 1977 outbreaks lesser fatal. Dr Chan remark it´s fears about a new mutation coming in influenza virus strains.

Although this pandemia wasn´t as killer as the first reports indicates, health surveillance is going to be permanent. The figure is the curve of the influenza cases Mexican government reports up to date.

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2009



MEXICO CITY.- Porcine influenza pandemia spread to one more country totaling 41, with one new ill person in Greece. Everywhere the cases are growing, specially in USA and Japan, where the virus is growing so fast. Maybe Canada could be an example of a good pandemia drive with the best health service all over the world with no deaths at the moment. WHO reports 11,034 world laboratory confirmed cases up to 6:00 gmt of 21 may 2009.

Numbers of global pandemia are growing slowly but firmly everywhere and some specialists are calling to scale to 6 pandemia alert level. Here, politicians complaints are focusing on the first measures that paralyzed and harmed economy in a so serious manner. Mexican tourism industry has it´s bigger and historical declination in decades. 

New deaths are 5. Three in Mexico and 2 in USA. Only USA has more than a half of global cases with 5,710. It means the 51.7 % of the big total; And Mexico has the third part, with 35.27% with 3892. So both countries and Canada (with 719) has a very important 93% of total cases. 

The main fear is still a more virulent mutation of virus and the possibility that A-H1N1 Influenza Virus can get in touch with the more fatal SARS virus in China.

WHO will conduct a gathering with vaccines producers all around the world. Korea scientists at Chungnam National University said monday they had a vial strain for develop a vaccine, in the context of a big race for develop a useful method to fight against the new virus.

You can check country by country the WHO latest report on the following link:http://www.who.int/csr/don/2009_05_21/en/index.html

martes, 19 de mayo de 2009


With 8829 cases the United Nation´s World Health Organization are not going to declare Level 6 of Pandemia Alert. There are only 5 deaths out of Mexico. Up to the date the disease spread to 40 countries.

Map of the spread of Influenza A(H1N1): number of laboratory confirmed cases and deaths [jpg 1.27Mb]
As of 06:00 GMT, 18 May 2009 

Countries officially reporting casesCumulative total of confirmed cases including deaths (as of 18 May 2009 06:00 GMT) Newly confirmed cases including deaths since 17 May 2009 
Argentina10  0  0  
Australia10  0  0  
Austria10  0  0  
Belgium50  10  
Brazil80  0  0  
Canada49610  0  
Chile10  10  
China60  10  
Colombia110  0  0  
Costa Rica910  0  
Cuba30  0  0  
Denmark10  0  0  
Ecuador10  0  0  
El Salvador40  0  0  
Finland20  0  0  
France140  0  0  
Germany140  0  0  
Guatemala30  0  0  
India10  0  0  
Ireland10  0  0  
Israel70  0  0  
Italy90  0  0  
Japan1250  1180  
Korea, Republic of30  0  0  
Malaysia20  0  0  
Netherlands30  0  0  
New Zealand90  0  0  
Norway20  0  0  
Panama540  0  0  
Peru10  0  0  
Poland10  0  0  
Portugal10  0  0  
Spain1030  0  0  
Sweden30  0  0  
Switzerland10  0  0  
Thailand20  0  0  
Turkey20  10  
UK1010  190  
United States of America471440  0  

Cumulative and new figures are subject to revision

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009



MEXICO.- The present A-H1N1 human influenza pandemia virus has an artificial design, says the oseltamivir (Tamiflu) chief team developer, Adrian Gibbs, described it as a typical virus cultivated in an egg for doing a vaccine. “An error could occur”, had said the 75 australian scientist in an interview with Bloomberg TV on Wednesday 11 may.

World Health Organization (WHO) are taken Australian scientist Gibbs´s paper so serious in the searh of the genetic blueprint of virus. “These things have to be dealt with straight on (…) If someone makes a hypothesis, then you test it and you let scientific process take its course.”, added Gibbs exact.

The laboratory origin of this A H1N1 strain supported by Gibbs is so serious, because he is one of the main virologists who developed the medicine that match perfectly in this virus battle: Tamiflu and Relenza. Tamiflu are strong antiviral produced by Roche, and Relenza, Zanamivir it´s also well effective in this case and produced by GlaxoSmith Kline.

Mexican Virus sustains this virus was created against mexican and latino people, witch could be more prone to have develop serious condition until to death with this disease. Mexican retired scientist, Manuel Servín, chief of the disappeared National Center for Vaccines Production  was the first who speak about a hand made design.


During Bush´s war periods, Mexico´s leadership doesn´t support the military alliance against Afganistan, nor Irak resisting harshest US pressure.

An antimexican policy and an opinion trend has developed from the ultra conservative political group leaded by Donald Rumsfeld, George Bush, where Samuel Huntington´s hard rightist position is taken as their flag. Huntington, a political sciences professor (in his book "Who Are We? The Challenges to America’s National Identity), says Mexico has become a danger to USA and targeted as the next enemy.

When Irak´s war came into a stagnation, USA Bush´s government begin to build a militarized wall in it´s south border with Mexico. Obama´s didn´t switch this postwar Berlin-wall like policy.

For the antimexican powerful lobby in USA, a virus could be the perfect bio-weapon if it´s matches with a genetical prototype as it seems. Mexico´s population genetic profile has already finished and published in this month by the INMEGEN (Instituto Nacional de Medicina Genómica). The Mexican human genomic map can be useful to design medicines, but also bio-weapons.

Today, INMEGEN is going to conducting a research questioning why porcine influenza virus is so lethal in Mexico has announced Dr. Julio Frenk Mora, INMEGEN´s director and also dean at the Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Mass, appointed in November 2008.

As everybody knows, neoconservative American politicians loosed 2009 presidential elections and by the same time, American bio-weaponry inventories in Fort Detrick, Maryland, reported a lack of dangerous toxins and other and began a “thorough search of its freezers yesterday to ensure that it has an accurate inventory of the deadly bacteria, viruses and toxins accumulated there over a period of 40 years”, said Defense Deparment officials on February 10, 2009. 

“Col. John P. Skvorak, commander of the U.S. Army Medical Institute of Infectious Diseases, ordered a "stand-down," or pause in ordinary operations, and a complete inventory last week after 20 vials of "biological select agents and toxin" (BSAT) were discovered in a freezer box that was listed as containing only 16 vials”, reported Baltimore Sun newspaper that day in a note signed by David Wood.





MEXICO CITY.-  Latest reports estimate in 6,497 confirmed porcine influenza A-H1N1 virus cases all around the world, and a research team said virus bearers toll could be ten times higher than ill people, so there were as 23,000 carriers here by the end of april.

 Dr. Neil Ferguson,  a mathematical biologist at the Centre for Outbreak Analysis and Modelling at Imperial College London, has published in Science magazine their calculus about the present influenza A pandemia, and says disease is fatal only in four cases between a thousand.


The pandemia has the same behavior than the 1957, but world is better prepared, says the article. Conclude consistently that the outbreak begans February 15 (in La Gloria, Perote, Veracruz), and there could be as less as 6,000 infected persons and as high as 32,000 at the end of april.

 The course of disease looks like a seasonal influenza with 1.2 or 1.6 secoundary cases by each case, and discard the

20 or 30 percent of global population infected fears of a worst pandemia scenario. At this point has an expected spread.

  "Our study shows that this virus is spreading just as we would expect for the early stages of a flu pandemic. So far, it has been following a very similar pattern to the flu pandemic in 1957, in terms of the proportion of people who are becoming infected and the percentage of potentially fatal cases that we are seeing”, said Ferguson.

 By the way, some signs of a new mutation in the humane influenza virus are worrying specialists. The drift is the process in which influenza virus undergoes mutation. The amount of change can be subtle or dramatic, but eventually as drift occurs, a new variant strain will become dominant. This process allows influenza viruses to change and re-infect people repeatedly through their lifetime and is the reason influenza virus strains in vaccine must be updated each year.

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009

Are Mexico and Latino targets of an intentional influenza attack?

México, (mexicanvirus).- Mexicans and latinos could be genetically suceptible to get invaded by A-H1N1 virus, said today the genomics specialist, Dr. Julio Frenk Alatorre. This statement has propelled big questions about the real origin of the atypical virus that has become a global challenge, fostering the military design theory.

During the press conference to make public the Mexican people genomic map, Frenk speak about the virus outbreak´s behavior that has been more fatal in Mexico than in other countries. Genetics studies has discovered, Mexicans are prone to get or developed diseases like diabetes and some cardiopathies. Frenk is director of the National Institute of Genomic Medicine (Instituto Nacional de Medicina Genómica).

Some critics vowed that A-H1N1 with a human, swine and avian genetic material could be designed as a military bio-weapon. This supposition has a lot of implications. The second part of this theory is how virus entered to Mexico.

Do this pandemia begins as an accidental leak from Fort Detrick, Maryland bio-weaponry inventories?

On February 10, The Washington Post newspaper reports

U.S. Army Biodefense Lab Halts Research to Check Inventory

Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2009

The U.S. Army suspended most studies at its primary biological defense laboratory Friday to ensure that all of the site's lethal disease agents are included in inventory records, the Associated Press reported (see GSN, Jan. 6).

"I believe that the probability that there are additional vials of [biological select agents and toxins] not captured in our ... database is high," Col. John Skvorak wrote in a Wednesday memorandum to employees at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, Md. (David Dishneau, Associated Press/Google News, Feb. 9).

Added to this, in june 1977 there was another A influenza pandemia, but nobody treats this outbreak in so scandalous way as in 2009. Health alarms in those days does not alert the world in such way. Why?

sábado, 9 de mayo de 2009





Eye´s Hurricane is quite while Jalisco and Hidalgo has the worst of pandemia now

México City.- In the sixteenth day from the health emergency declaration here caused by a porcine influenza outbreak, the center of the country is quite while the states of Jalisco in the Pacific coast(with a jump from 15 to 26 cases ant three deaths, at the west) and Hidalgo (47 new cases near Mexico City), Chiapas at south (with no schools and 222 cases) are having now their respective boom of the infection, and also Baja California with one death person (northern border with the United States), when all world sustain their fears for an unknowing mutation that could be more fatal than the AH1N1.

Yes, the very centre of the dangerous outbreak declared in this city on Thursday april 24 is going slowly into normality, but Hidalgo and Chiapas (southern state border with Guatemala) –two of the poorest rural states that form the Mexican republic has the worst now. The still health emergency also include Chihuahua (northern border too), Guerrero (pacific coast) and San Luis Potosí. The two last ones also are so poor, but San Luis Potosí have been attacked by the influenza also at the very beginning. Anybody can conclude the health care in this part of the country has the lowest national standards. Maybe like African states could be when influenza attack them.

Now mexican government are promoting one of it´s beautiful epidemiologic model, with probable curves that never happened. But opinions are well divided. Some government analysts says Calderon and his health minister upgrade their image. But the mainstream and better informed opinion looks this regime as part of the calamity.

By it side, world maintain its fear for the atypical brand new influenza and its mutations. World Health Organization reports 3,500 in 29 countries, with 48 deaths in Mexico, two in USA, one in Canada and another one deadly case in Costa Rica. At this moment, USA has more cases than Mexico with 2,254 confirmed cases against 1,626. USA didn´t close all schools at national level as Mexico did. School closure seems to be essential to block instantly a pandemia like this whenever occurs.

Mexico close schools and get paralyze itself for almost twelve historical days: from 24 april to may 6, when students go back to activities nationwide. At the meantime we know that A-H1N1 virus looks less fatal than the first reports. The good reaction to some antiviral medicine was the first good new at all that can stop influenza deadly cases so fast in Mexico City, with 20 millions inhabitants.

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2009


PANdemia and Swine Capitalism

México, (Mexican Virus).- In Mexico, PANdemia written this way is a reference to the right wing Calderon´s party (Partido Accion Nacional P.A.N.). Is a reference on how Capitalism in Mexico developes in a more wildest form than in first world countries too. National economy is allready the main victim of flu epidemia. 

A new collaboration and a new link. This article in mexican spanish is a political analysis of the pandemia in local context. Try to read spanish. Mexican Virus independent bio news promotes interculturalism also. You will read an english version here soon.

See the story:

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

Chief Epidemiologist refute mexican government


Mexican VIRUS independent Bio News

Mexico.- In an interview to the spanish newspaper EL PAIS, Miguel Angel Lezana, chief epidemiologist of the National Centre for Epidemiologic Surveillance and Disease Control (Centro Nacional de Vigilancia Epidemiológica) says the surgeon mask everybody were carrying in Mexico was just for calm people, because doesn´t function as a barrier against the influenza virus.

Lezana recognize communication troubles between his institution and mexican politicians in Calderon´s government (april 30). 

This confirms what mexicanvirus has report from the very beginning. The first outbreak was in La Gloria, Perote-Veracruz, where 30% of these inhabitants get ill. This last from march 9 to april 10. The second outbreak occurs in the same little township april 12. Was a woman survey worker, who dies the day after.

At the same time, the nightmare begins when alerts came frome the medical specialty hospital located in south Mexico City, the National Institute for Respiratory Diseases (Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias), where a serial serious pneumonia were killing young and strong people.

For Lezana maybe children and aged people could be less a affected at the beginning because they have received the seasonal vaccine, but by now this is only an hypothesis. 

By her way, a La Gloria woman resident has contact Mexican virus and tell us how part of his family were affected. We´ll present this testimony in a next news dispatch.

The rightist trend Calderon´s government has drove the situation to a non sense level of ineptitude. The national university virologists were ignored and public wasn´t inform with clarity. Gov officials are still trying to use the pandemia alert for achieve political and economical objectives. 


miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009



México.- This historical bio-alert has gone, but not for carefullness, we will be informing you all summer season, fall and winter too.
So will be together. Share mexicanvirus link with your friends.

In the latest news: United States health speakers recognize two deaths of swine flu. Both in Texas state.

Mexican scientists with high level of research and good equipment complaints to had been put aside during the emergency. Health minister, José Angel Cordova, ignored mexican specialists and depends badly in Canadian and US aid. 
     Cordova Villalobos is a gastroenterologist and a conservative politican and he was not prepare for an emergency like the swine flu outbreak that attacked mexico, said the mexican virologist community.

Mexican Bio News on New Influenza Pandemia


México, (Mexican virus news).- 13 day and almost everything has happened. In Mexico, cases are still arising because they are coming from suspicious to confirmed, even if they are alive or dead. Then in United States health authorities change their recommendation on school closure because the virus appear to be lesser fatal as everybody thought. The latest scientific information calls for more caution when the expected virus reboot in winter time.

 Kathleen Sebelius, health Obama´s minister announce adopted the open school policy and sustain the home care for affected children when USA is counting now 400 cases of a less virulent A influenza  behavior.

In Mexico, the disease spread is irregular: there are only remain three influenza free states, when Yucatán report a confirmed case. A 8 years old boy. He and his family are receiving attention and medical surveillance. Not as the new cases in Mexico City (Distrito Federal), where AH1N1 influenza is masking as a season flu when it is less stronger. 

Now is the turn of Hidalgo state, one of the poorest, with 99 reported and 20 new cases. Tabasco reports 6, four of them are already intact.

Economical consequences of pandemia seem to be the worst of all, says government, directing its effort to reanimate activities. Of course, tourism and food exportation will be the most affected.

Nonetheless, Mexican health authorities are still play the game of black and white ciphers. They say there were 942 confirmed cases, 77 deaths with no possible confirmation, 140 confirmed death (all of them before April 30th ). When crisis is becoming to be history, Mexican Calderon´s government reveals ineptitude, concealed and corruption.

The Mexican health system  is still a major problem, because is so abandoned, and when the influenza arrives take everybody with no defenses. People commonly die silently as the lack of medicines has become so normal. Especially the real respiratory morbidity and mortality cipher in Mexico City has been tagged as top secret since a long time.

Mexican president Calderon´s team only acts and reacts on international pressure, because in their conservative minds all social troubles, has it´s image media solution. We know the worst of Calderon´s catholic propaganda is forthcoming. In 2009 Mexico is going to celebrate intermediate elections for choosing congress and municipalities’ national wide.

The world pandemia causes by a dangerous virus is passing by and there´s no clear about reports on what happened with the Fort Detrick, Maryland losses of bio-weaponry. World public opinion will also has the same obscurity information mantle as best response.

The origin of virus seem to be artificial design, with different genetic parts of avian, pigs and human strains. A lot of questions are still in the air:

Why virus become lesser killer suddenly?  

Did military liberated to environment a lesser killer copy of the weapon as a manner of vaccine to compete this one with the very dangerous AH1N1 (first in USA)? 

Did Mexico (and the world also) has received a “friendly” attack this april 2009 ?


martes, 5 de mayo de 2009




Mexico, City (Today´s global eye´s hurricane).- Mexico´s fight against the influenza pandemia is taking a big economical, moral and psychological cost, but Argentina cancel airborne connections with the antique aztec country and China put 75 mexican citizens in an inhumanity quarantine, so gov mount a rescue operation in a Aeromexico plane that has return today with the nationals in a middle of criticism against the health measures taken in the oriental country. In the 12 day of the irruption of (ex-porcine) influenza virus, World Health Organization (WHO) says there are 1,500 cases in 21 countries. Another communiqué says travel restrictions are non sense.

 Hit this links.

 Influenza A(H1N1) - update 16

5 May 2009 -- As of 16:00 GMT, 5 May 2009, 21 countries have officially reported 1490 cases of influenza A (H1N1) infection. 

No rationale for travel restrictions
1 May 2009 -- WHO is not recommending travel restrictions related to the outbreak of the Influenza A(H1N1) virus. 



More near to bioweaponry than a natural origin.
Our correspondent in Chicago send us this figure with an avian PB2 gen, a human or avian gen PB1, an avian PA, a human or pig HA and another pig´s NP and finally a pig´s gen too NS.




Skeptical opinions on influenza are growing here describing it as a smoke screen

Mexico, 5 may (Mexican virus news).- Against health´s minister (José Angel Córdova) statements calling for a slow down in pandemia, influenza AH1N1 is still in progress here, even it´s supposed to be the fourth day with no fatal cases, but everybody wants this paralysis to an end. Today´s Mexico government is planning to reanimate activites at national wide on wednesday. WHO speakers made a call on prudence before sing a  victory in driving the historic and critic bio alert that has transform one of the biggest city worldwide.

Economy is rounding in mexican minds when we think on retaking the march of normal life again, but the porcine influenza has not cede at all. Everybody is suffering the harsh immobility, and people is at the brink of losing patience. The Mexican government information on confirmed cases grows from 506 to 568.

So that is why WHO is calling for patience. And also because the incubation period for AH1N1 could be larger than seven or ten days.

All conspiracy theories are rounding here. Also today, mexicanvirus news receive an announce of malfunction in it´s YAHOO mail service. We call our readers to intend to check out this peccata minuta to discard any suspicious of censorship against our this independent bio news service.

We have notice that in april 17, American military do exercises in Costa Rica including precisely a INFLUENZ A PANDEMIA scenario. We also need to discard a bio-aggression to Mexico from the cover agencies of United States against us.

For your best information, president Obama visited Mexico from 16 to 17 april, and he has in touch with Fernando Solís Olguín, the Antropological Museum´s director in his visit to this important shrine of modern culture. Solís has death in recent days of what it´s supposed to be a hearth attack, but first reports says it could be one of the most important and very first victims of this influenza.

So, the military exercise in Costa Rica feed a lot of sceptikal opinions about the real procedence of influenza. It looks like a perfect storm well defined and measured in the American military handbooks.

The American political analyst, James Petras, gave a polemic interview in Spanish language too, were he describes this bio alert as a smoke screen produced to give support to the weak conservative Calderon´s administration and when the carmaker Chrysler is announcing its bankruptcy in USA, and also when there are a lot of main items in the Latin-American political agenda.

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2009




México City (mexicanvirus news).- When Spain´s AH1N1 cases climb to more than 60, World Health Organization is prompt to declare Phase 6 of the influenza emergency so its means a global pandemia. This phase, the last one, includes special measures through the planet. School closures, almost total economic paralization and else. In the sixth day from the very beginning of health emergency.

When Mexico City possibly is going to reanimate activities as the porcine influenza cases reports are downsizing, news from Canada calls for a documented case of an infection between human and pigs in a farm. But this is not new. Scientific literature on porcine influenza has documented cases in that way, but no in this H1N1. The disease use to be a normal chronic problem in porks breeding industry until the pandemia outbreaks.

Mexico is the model of how influenza can be stopped. This proves some new facts:

First: We need more national budget for overall health issues ALL OVER THE WORLD.

Second: Never eat pork again.

Third: Disaster Capitalism take advantages from everything. Specially when mankind are endangered.