viernes, 1 de mayo de 2009


Why Mexican influenza virus strain seems to be more fatal?

México City, april 30.- While scientists all over the globe question themselves why Mexican influenza strains are more deadly than the exported ones, scandals and protest coloured the sixth day of the influenza crisis here, when federal health minister statements create a scandal, porcine influenza has loss its global identity, and also when many ill people is lacking of minimal medical attention. Health staff are dying too so.

Mexican press patience has broke down on wednesday when Health Minister, Dr. José Angel Córdova Villalobos try to reduced the deaths public figure, from 20 to 7. The reports calls for far more than 150. The concealment became evident when the Labour Minister, Javier Lozano Trejo, begin to mark the hard swing of the conservative Calderon´s regime policy to hide information about the real influenza virus spread.

Then, suddenly the real deaths figure of pandemic porcine influenza in each state of the country became top secrecy. The Calderon´s staff negligence and ineptitude are translating into a bigger toll than could be expected. There are reports on fatal victims between medical personnel caused by the lack of the most basic biosecurity equipment in the national respiratory diseases hospital in the Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias (National institute of Respiratory Diseases).

People in the city complaints of have not receive adequate medical attention or not at all. You can read dramatically testimonies of flesh and bones people in throw daily press. They are complaints of high monetary debts for treatment`s costs in public institutions. Althought the government has said it has a million of antiviral treatments, patients has to buy the expensive Tamiflu or Oseltamivir by their own.

At international level, the course of events are doesn`t driving better: big meat corporations has succeed in their quick plans for changing the pandemia name, from porcine influenza to human influenza at the highest level. So the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the new denomination for the virus. Now its human influenza virus AH1N1 what is killing people in Mexico.

Beside this, other factors are seem to be involved in the H1N1`s fatal toll in the aztec country, like malnutrition and delays in treat all ill person. Maybe government are hiding this millions of Tamiflu doses for the military and for the government officials preventing a worst level on the pandemia crisis.

Althought, Mexico was ranked by OECD as the 13 world`s economy, the country has struggle with poverty, low well-being indicators, an could has the government corruption world´s guiness record if it exists.

United States with 109 cases until this day has some schools still open. One of the main crisis measure took in Mexico was to close all schools at national level. So –incredibly-, the health policy in USA to stop the virus spread it seems to be softness than mexican.

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