lunes, 27 de abril de 2009

Ecologist imprisioned for denounce health conditions

Ecologists imprisioned for alerts about health conditions previos of the flu porcine pandemia

México, april 27.- Not only mexican government hide vital health information about what happening in La Gloria community state of Veracruz, 280 kilometers at southeast of Mexico City, but imprisioned the activists that blame a powerful enterprise that breed pigs with cheap methods in an mexican american joint venture, Granjas Carroll, acussed today local NGO´s.

As numerous as 20 townships are against the company that polluted air, water and produce a confrontation climate in this veracruzean mountainous zone calle Cofre de Perote at 2,300 meters above the sea. The latest news talks about the deceasement of three kids in this poverty communities of the tropical state.

Still today in a press conference mexican health authorities didn´t put any clarity on the veracruz first outbreak, even all evidences point to this cases of strange pneumonias that affected a lot of people in communities nearby Valle de Perote, Veracruz.

Commonly journalist in Mexico are also blamed and suffer censorship by government officials, corporate lawyers or suffer manhunting by drug traffickers. It´s difficult here to say the truth, no matter what it happens.  

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