sábado, 2 de mayo de 2009


Global bio-alert: easy comes, easy goes

 México, 2 may.- The count of a week into this bio-anti-utopia has brought with itself not only bad news, but good ones too in the two consecutive day with no influenza deaths in Mexico City hospitals. This means we are going directly to daily normal life where anything has happens... The public conscience about cheap meat production with procedures that are risky to health in a global scale in Veracruz and elsewhere will remain with no changes. It´s powerful was demonstrated and the porcine influenza lost his original name by international health organizations duty.

 Now the panic and fears are transforming in discrimination against any mexican voyager at international airports checking desks. The old porcine influenza virus has left its born-house -United States and Mexico (where the first acute cases were reported)- and takes its suitcases to go walking around the world. Now the center of the disease is going calm, but ripples of pandemia are just arriving to peripheral countries in a circular wave that begins in Mexico and ends with the first cases in Asia, Korea and Hong Kong reports.

 The porcine influenza is doing medical history and the alert could be passed with less fearing than the anti-mexican club in United States could desire. President Obama never approved south border closure. The influenza chapter could is closing and could be the opening of a new cooperation era between health ministries.

 The could be scenario for porcine influenza future is the get back´s disease passing autumn. So up to that date, the world can develope a more effective than one vaccine for AH1N1.

 All time mexican government concealment and distortion of information protected big corporation. Now this conservative gov are preparing a big catholic celebration when virus almost has gone. Biochemistry culture in media on this days will say goodbye and pave the road to religion and obscurantism policies and everything comes into normality. Ineptitude and corruption will be the new heros and Mexico are preparing for one of the most important election time ever happens here in july 5.

 The Canadian author, Naomi Klein´s book  -The Shock Doctrine- describes how capitalism are shocking third world economies to prevail forever. She cites the case of the Chilean etait du siege financing by CIA in 9/11.

 Yes, 9/11 in 1973. Then a fierce anticommunist and killing taste dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet introduce the Milton Friedman´s monetarism manual in the southamerican country.

 Years later, Friedman´s monetarism evolves in today´s neoliberalism. Well, following the Shock Doctrine the bio-attack theory against Mexican population and reputation is not a novella, specially when all Latin-American countries are turning into a left wing governments and only Mexico has a stupid Bush´s-neocon-style one, Calderon´s regime. 

viernes, 1 de mayo de 2009


Why Mexican influenza virus strain seems to be more fatal?

México City, april 30.- While scientists all over the globe question themselves why Mexican influenza strains are more deadly than the exported ones, scandals and protest coloured the sixth day of the influenza crisis here, when federal health minister statements create a scandal, porcine influenza has loss its global identity, and also when many ill people is lacking of minimal medical attention. Health staff are dying too so.

Mexican press patience has broke down on wednesday when Health Minister, Dr. José Angel Córdova Villalobos try to reduced the deaths public figure, from 20 to 7. The reports calls for far more than 150. The concealment became evident when the Labour Minister, Javier Lozano Trejo, begin to mark the hard swing of the conservative Calderon´s regime policy to hide information about the real influenza virus spread.

Then, suddenly the real deaths figure of pandemic porcine influenza in each state of the country became top secrecy. The Calderon´s staff negligence and ineptitude are translating into a bigger toll than could be expected. There are reports on fatal victims between medical personnel caused by the lack of the most basic biosecurity equipment in the national respiratory diseases hospital in the Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias (National institute of Respiratory Diseases).

People in the city complaints of have not receive adequate medical attention or not at all. You can read dramatically testimonies of flesh and bones people in throw daily press. They are complaints of high monetary debts for treatment`s costs in public institutions. Althought the government has said it has a million of antiviral treatments, patients has to buy the expensive Tamiflu or Oseltamivir by their own.

At international level, the course of events are doesn`t driving better: big meat corporations has succeed in their quick plans for changing the pandemia name, from porcine influenza to human influenza at the highest level. So the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the new denomination for the virus. Now its human influenza virus AH1N1 what is killing people in Mexico.

Beside this, other factors are seem to be involved in the H1N1`s fatal toll in the aztec country, like malnutrition and delays in treat all ill person. Maybe government are hiding this millions of Tamiflu doses for the military and for the government officials preventing a worst level on the pandemia crisis.

Althought, Mexico was ranked by OECD as the 13 world`s economy, the country has struggle with poverty, low well-being indicators, an could has the government corruption world´s guiness record if it exists.

United States with 109 cases until this day has some schools still open. One of the main crisis measure took in Mexico was to close all schools at national level. So –incredibly-, the health policy in USA to stop the virus spread it seems to be softness than mexican.

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2009

Where the virus has born

Is very probably that one of the first strains of swine virus has been born in the nearby of Perote.
In the satellite photograph (thanks google earth) you can see the circular oxidation lagoon.  

We recommended this article from The Guardian

article from THE GUARDIAN


The swine flu crisis lays bare the meat industry's monstrous power

The Mexico swine flu outbreak should alert us to a highly globalised industry with global political clout

The Mexican swine flu, a genetic chimera probably conceived in the faecal mire of an industrial pigsty, suddenly threatens to give the whole world a fever. The initial outbreaks across North America reveal an infection already travelling at higher velocity than did the last official pandemic strain, the 1968 Hong Kong flu.

Read it complete at:


Citizenship get organized themselves against Mexican Government ineptitude

Two bits of vital info:
This blogspot contains concealed information about the original source of the swine flu virus.
The journalists' English might not be pristine, but the research is admirable.
I know one of them personally, a very reliable first-hand info source.
Hope you all spread the word so as to push for closing down that swine farm in Veracruz ASAP.
The Colonia Condesa, Roma and Hipódromo nighbourhood committees conducted a survey in our 3 districts over last week-end interviewing 500 residents, foreign and local, on the flu issue and recent breathing conditions. From all the info gathered thereof, including doctors residing in the area:
We concluded smoking should be banned altogether, that is: in public, private, open and closed areas, streets, cars and homes alike, as it is greatly to blame for the deterioration in air quality and lung health, immunity and capacity of all city dwellers to fight off any respiratory virus, be it the swine flu, the common cold or any other virus in vogue. 
Cigarrette smoke impairs membranes lining the throat, lungs, nose and eyes to eliminate and wash off viruses, bacteria and infection in general. Any virus floating around will easily settle and spread in dry, polluted, intoxicated tissues. 
Mexico City dwellers can't afford cigarrette smoke in their air quality, it's too polluted already with other inevitable toxins. Using the car, bus or metrobus is inevitable. Smoking is a selfish, stubborn whim.
3 cigarrettes pollute the lungs, throat, nose and eyes more than 1 modern car. A smoker is far more of a global warmer than a car.
A chain smoker is a danger to the planet and the melting of the poles, and dying of species like the polar bear, producing more toxins than car engines and more CO2 in his lifetime than any old bus or truck.
Check out youtube British, Canadian, Spanish, European and Australian videos with keywords:
smoking global warming toxins environment oxigen
Remember, life is OXIGEN. Cigarrette smokers are OXIGEN THIEVES, but they don't have to be, they just want to.
Best regards,
Marina de Santiago
Director of Condesa, Hipódromo & Roma, neighbourhood committees in Mexico City central upgrade area

martes, 28 de abril de 2009

The cat is right now out of the bag

México, april 28 -2009.- Today is day 5 of the mexican alert, and secound day we are in WHO level 4 of pandemia alert just one step to be global. Maybe someday this testimony could be historic. We don´t know how this porcine swine virus could evolve in the very next future. Mexican health authorities has demostrate unless big ineptitude, concealment and unexperience for treat with this big problem. We have made ours the demand of clear information about the outbreak in the community La Gloria, Valle de Perote municipality, state of Veracruz, about 280 kilometers southeast of Mexico City where a pig breeder, Granjas Carroll, has a massive production and where almost every inhabitant of La Gloria fall ill in late december (2008) with symptoms such like porcine swine but local, state and federal authorites denies this fact and decided to protect a big businness.
Today, an article writed by Terry Jones, who has worked in influenza virus research teams, said some facts: 

1.- the cat is out of the bag. Or we don´t know what could be happen. The situation is out of control.

2.- The virus of influenza now affecting Mexico seems to have airborne ways to spread by itself.

3.- In the first aviar influenza international teams has succeed in cancelling the airborne way of infection killing some ill birds. In Mexico we have the problem that authorities hasn´t political will to recognize the truth and, just and only then, to cancel the problem in Veracruz.

4.- Mexican gov only acts and reacts just as prompt as international pressure is on it. 

5.- In Mexico are more important big businesses than people or health. 
i.e. the first ecologists that reveal the truth of what a pig breeder are doing in Veracruz and against humanity, Granjas Carroll, are in jail right now.

6.- Influenza is a very big political issue. You can learn that studying the spanish influenza pandemic in early twentieth century. 

you can read the complete article of terry jones that has biological 

lunes, 27 de abril de 2009

Ecologist imprisioned for denounce health conditions

Ecologists imprisioned for alerts about health conditions previos of the flu porcine pandemia

México, april 27.- Not only mexican government hide vital health information about what happening in La Gloria community state of Veracruz, 280 kilometers at southeast of Mexico City, but imprisioned the activists that blame a powerful enterprise that breed pigs with cheap methods in an mexican american joint venture, Granjas Carroll, acussed today local NGO´s.

As numerous as 20 townships are against the company that polluted air, water and produce a confrontation climate in this veracruzean mountainous zone calle Cofre de Perote at 2,300 meters above the sea. The latest news talks about the deceasement of three kids in this poverty communities of the tropical state.

Still today in a press conference mexican health authorities didn´t put any clarity on the veracruz first outbreak, even all evidences point to this cases of strange pneumonias that affected a lot of people in communities nearby Valle de Perote, Veracruz.

Commonly journalist in Mexico are also blamed and suffer censorship by government officials, corporate lawyers or suffer manhunting by drug traffickers. It´s difficult here to say the truth, no matter what it happens.  


Mexican Health recognize a dangerous outbrake in 2008/A fly, possible vector

By Marco Tulio Culebro Bahena, independent reporter in Mexico City

Special feature for The Independent

México, april 27.- Mexican Health Authorities recognizes a dangerous outbreak that includes 500 strange pneumoniae report cases in December 2008 that attacked the community of La Gloria in mountainous tropical zone of Perote valley, Veracruz state, where an enormous pig breeder is settled, but powerful private interests prevailed over the need of public information. A local fly could be a biological vector.

As occur in the China´s Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrom (SARS) outbreak in early 2003, the Mexican government delays on recognize what it seems to be now the very first signal of the porcine flu outbreak five months ago, which spread has mobilized the global Epidemic and Pandemic Alert and Response net (EPR) depending on the UN´s World Health Organization (WHO).

Today, in the fifth day of the porcine flu epidemic national alert, when the disease has kill 103 people in Mexico in less than a week and has spread to a lot of countries including nordic peninsula in Europe, mexicans are shocked with the government concealment of vital health information. The number of deaths in the December outbreak is still unknowned.

Almost 500 people were affected by massive pneumonias in Valle del Perote 175 miles at the southeast of Mexico in late 2008, where Granjas Carroll a massive pig breeder has settled since 1994. The victims of the first porcine flu outbreak blame the so bad health´s operation standards of the pig breeder that provoke high biological pollution levels from it´s oxidation lagoon sew at open sky.

Granjas Carroll sew goes directly to an oxidation lagoon in the nearby of La Gloria. The December´s 2008 inquiries take mexican health specialists to thought there could be also a biological vector involved in the massive spread of the disease. The fly common in the lagoon, but the insect vector theory requires a more extensive research.

The company construct more oxidation lagoons in the communities of Quechulá and Xaltepec in the neighbor state of Puebla without ecological membrane where are clouds of flies. Smithfield Foods, the American investor in the mexican-american joint venture Granjas Carroll has been fined in 1996 by the District Court of Norfolk (USA) with 12.6 million dollars for violations on the Federal Clean Water Act. The Mexican investor is Agroindustrias Unidas de Mexico.

Water biological pollution it´s well known in Mexico as a typical consequence of massive pig breeding, as it occurs in La Piedad river, Michoacán state, central Mexico. This river ends in Chapala lake, Jalisco state.

At international level, massive food production without health standards could be blamed as a cause of another epizootia in England 1990´s, known as the Mad Cow disease. Where Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) jumps the inter-species barrier and affected humans by meat ingestion. In that time, researchers determinate there was a prion, a biological particle smaller than a virus, as the cause of mad cow disease. The mad cow disease begins a large food security debate.

Government sources said they do not still localized the cause of the fatal porcine flu epidemia yet, that has kills more than one hundred people and paralyzed one of the biggest cities of the world. On Sunday 26, United States also calls for a national emergency preventing the disease dissemination with around 20 cases in its territory at the moment. The mobilization include Japan, where no cases reported, where health sources of the oriental country said they are looking for an effective vaccine against the N2H2 porcine flu virus.

Mexican ecological NGO, like Planeta Azul has been fighting against Granjas Carroll in Veracruz for almost three years ago, where inhabitants of the zone are affected by diseases, fetid air and clouds of flies. And now, when all humanity are endangered by porcine flu pandemia, international pressure on Mexican government its needed to change the health situation in Veracruz, Michoacán states and elsewhere.

As cheap meat production is part of the government strategic plans on attracting offshoring investment, authorities ignored local ecological activists demands, but only when an official health Canadian alert from an ill tourist back from its trip, mexican government take notice of the new virus. Atlanta´s CDC´s in United States help to identified the virus as H2N2, a so contagious mix of avian, porcine and human virus stock.

On Smithfield Foods fine in USA see



For local NGO early protests (in Spanish)
