jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009



MEXICO.- The present A-H1N1 human influenza pandemia virus has an artificial design, says the oseltamivir (Tamiflu) chief team developer, Adrian Gibbs, described it as a typical virus cultivated in an egg for doing a vaccine. “An error could occur”, had said the 75 australian scientist in an interview with Bloomberg TV on Wednesday 11 may.

World Health Organization (WHO) are taken Australian scientist Gibbs´s paper so serious in the searh of the genetic blueprint of virus. “These things have to be dealt with straight on (…) If someone makes a hypothesis, then you test it and you let scientific process take its course.”, added Gibbs exact.

The laboratory origin of this A H1N1 strain supported by Gibbs is so serious, because he is one of the main virologists who developed the medicine that match perfectly in this virus battle: Tamiflu and Relenza. Tamiflu are strong antiviral produced by Roche, and Relenza, Zanamivir it´s also well effective in this case and produced by GlaxoSmith Kline.

Mexican Virus sustains this virus was created against mexican and latino people, witch could be more prone to have develop serious condition until to death with this disease. Mexican retired scientist, Manuel Servín, chief of the disappeared National Center for Vaccines Production  was the first who speak about a hand made design.


During Bush´s war periods, Mexico´s leadership doesn´t support the military alliance against Afganistan, nor Irak resisting harshest US pressure.

An antimexican policy and an opinion trend has developed from the ultra conservative political group leaded by Donald Rumsfeld, George Bush, where Samuel Huntington´s hard rightist position is taken as their flag. Huntington, a political sciences professor (in his book "Who Are We? The Challenges to America’s National Identity), says Mexico has become a danger to USA and targeted as the next enemy.

When Irak´s war came into a stagnation, USA Bush´s government begin to build a militarized wall in it´s south border with Mexico. Obama´s didn´t switch this postwar Berlin-wall like policy.

For the antimexican powerful lobby in USA, a virus could be the perfect bio-weapon if it´s matches with a genetical prototype as it seems. Mexico´s population genetic profile has already finished and published in this month by the INMEGEN (Instituto Nacional de Medicina Genómica). The Mexican human genomic map can be useful to design medicines, but also bio-weapons.

Today, INMEGEN is going to conducting a research questioning why porcine influenza virus is so lethal in Mexico has announced Dr. Julio Frenk Mora, INMEGEN´s director and also dean at the Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Mass, appointed in November 2008.

As everybody knows, neoconservative American politicians loosed 2009 presidential elections and by the same time, American bio-weaponry inventories in Fort Detrick, Maryland, reported a lack of dangerous toxins and other and began a “thorough search of its freezers yesterday to ensure that it has an accurate inventory of the deadly bacteria, viruses and toxins accumulated there over a period of 40 years”, said Defense Deparment officials on February 10, 2009. 

“Col. John P. Skvorak, commander of the U.S. Army Medical Institute of Infectious Diseases, ordered a "stand-down," or pause in ordinary operations, and a complete inventory last week after 20 vials of "biological select agents and toxin" (BSAT) were discovered in a freezer box that was listed as containing only 16 vials”, reported Baltimore Sun newspaper that day in a note signed by David Wood.



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